(数学科の学生が) 読んでいて楽しい本 というのが紹介されているページがあった. 名前だけ知っているが読んだことない本やそもそも全く知らない本など色々あった. 和訳がある本もいくつかあるし, PDF の参照がある本もある. 興味がある向きもあろうから, とりあえず共有しておこう. 本だけ抜き出しておこう.
- On Numbers and Games, by John Conway.
- Groups, Graphs and Trees: An Introduction to the Geometry of Infinite Groups, by John Meier.
- Ramsey Theory on the Integers, by Bruce Landman.
- Fourier Analysis, T.W.Korner, Cambridge University Press, 1988
- Generatingfunctionology by Herbert Wilf.
- The Symmetries of Things by Jon Conway
- Visual Complex Analysis by Needham
- Roads to Infinity: The Mathematics of Truth and Proof by Stillwell
- Primes of the Form $p=x2+ny2$ by David A. Cox
- Gamma: Exploring Euler's Constant
- Concrete Mathematics, by Graham, Knuth, & Patashnik,
- Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality
- Cauchy-Schwarz PDF
- The Sensual (Quadratic) Form, by John Conway.
- Proofs that Really Count, by Art Benjamin and Jenny Quinn.
- Surreal Numbers by Knuth.
- The Shape of Space by Jeff Weeks
- The Knot Book by Colin Adams
- The Wild World of 4-Manifolds by Alexandru Scorpan
- Counterexamples in Topology
- Visual Group Theory
- Matrix Groups for undergraduates by Kristopher Tapp.
- Numbers, by Ebbinghaus and 7 co-authors. It has nice
- Want-Be-Mathematician-Automathography-Spectrum
- Robertson and Webb's Cake-Cutting Algorithms: Be Fair If You Can
- Real Infinite Series
- A Radical Approach to Real Analysis
- Counterexamples in Analysis
- Galois Theory for Beginners
- Prime Obsession: Bernhard Riemann and the Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathematics (Plume Books, 2003)
- Unknown Quantity: A Real And Imaginary History of Algebra (Joseph Henry Press, 2006)
- Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms by David Mackay
- Topology And Groupoids, by Ronald Brown
- Imre Lakatos, Proofs and refutations: The logic of mathematical discovery
- mathematical fiction books
- Modern Graph theory by Bela Bollobas
- Euler's Gem
- Fifty challenging problems in probability. Here is a
- Graphs and their uses by Oystein Ore.
- A History of Abstract Algebra by Israel Kleiner
- In Pursuit of the Traveling Salesman by William Cook.
- Mathematics Form and Function Saunders MacLane
- A Gentle Introduction to Art of Mathematics by Joseph Fields
- Galois Theory by Ian Stewart
- Conceptual Mathematics -Lawvere and Schanuel
- Sets for Mathematics -Lawvere and Rosebrugh
- A Walk Through Combinatorics - Bona
- Combinatorial Species and Tree-Like Structures -Bergeron, Labelle & Leroux
- Ordinary Differential Equations - Arnold
- What Are and What's the Purpose of Numbers -Dedekind
- Collected Works of Karl Menger - Menger
- Algebraic Number Theory and Fermat's Last Theorem- Stewart
- Theory of Gambling and Statistical Logic -Epstein
- Theoretical Introduction to Programming - Mills
- Elements of Statistical Learning - Hastie, Tibshirani & Friedman
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